Fight Night (Bar Fight)
Star CitizenSC-EVENT #003 Where: Everus Harbor, Low Hurston Orbit, Stanton System When: Friday Feb 24th @ 8:30pm Mountain Time. (02:30 UTC) Special:Bar Fight! 25k aUEC Buy In. (not really, but the
SC-EVENT #003 Where: Everus Harbor, Low Hurston Orbit, Stanton System When: Friday Feb 24th @ 8:30pm Mountain Time. (02:30 UTC) Special:Bar Fight! 25k aUEC Buy In. (not really, but the
SC-EVENT #002 Where: Everus Harbor, Low Hurston Orbit, Stanton System When: Friday Feb 3rd @ 8:30pm Mountain Time. (02:30 UTC) Special:Drop Drop Drop!! That's right, in this week's Fight Night,
The Saddle Soars are competing in the 2953 Daymar Rally. Join us on Twitch for a close view of our rally, as we race against some of the vers' best